Welcome to our blog series, "Everything Seaplace", where we uncover the hidden gems and captivating stories of Seaplace.

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Hello Seaplace residents,

I'm thrilled to bring you the latest updates from our vibrant community. My name is Mike Renick, your go-to real estate broker and Seaplace enthusiast. Over the past few weeks, we've made significant strides in various projects aimed at enhancing our living experience here at Seaplace.

Insurance Savings and Elevator Overhauls We have been working diligently to ensure our community is well-protected and efficient. Our very own Kirk Baker has been instrumental in achieving a $1 million savings on our insurance. Moreover, we've entered a new contract with Thyssenkrupp Elevator to improve the reliability of our elevators. Expect a comprehensive report soon.

Window and Door Hardening With over 50% of units already upgraded, our window and door hardening project is in full swing. This initiative not only ensures compliance with upcoming insurance standards but also enhances our community's safety during hurricanes.

Structural Integrity Reserve Study (SIRS) Starting next year, we will fully fund our Structural Integrity Reserve. This proactive approach means higher quarterly fees but ensures we are prepared for future repairs without the need for special assessments.

Ongoing and Upcoming Projects From replacing our aging generators to new railings for Garden Buildings, our board is committed to maintaining and improving our community. These projects are crucial for safety and compliance with Florida statutes.

Stay tuned for more detailed updates in our upcoming videos and blog posts. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me at 941.400.8735.