The transformation of Main Street in Sarasota is well underway, with a vision to create a more pedestrian-friendly and multi-modal thoroughfare. This comprehensive initiative stretches from U.S. 41 to Lime Avenue and from Fruitville Road to Laurel Street. Here’s a detailed look at what’s happening and what you can expect.


Project Overview


The "Main Street Complete Street" vision aims to balance high-level planning with practical street-level changes. City transportation staff have been working diligently, presenting updates to the Downtown Improvement District (DID) Board. Their focus is on building consensus among residents, business owners, and property owners to ensure a cohesive and beneficial transformation.


Key Highlights


Increased Walkability and Outdoor Dining: A survey revealed that 66.3% of respondents prioritize more outdoor dining and walkable spaces. This is set to enhance the vibrancy and appeal of Main Street.

Parking Adjustments: While city-owned parking is currently underutilized, the convenience of on-street parking remains crucial for many. The redesign will convert angle to parallel parking and explore creative solutions like valet services to maintain accessibility.

Safety Enhancements: The project includes safety improvements to accommodate the various modes of transportation on Main Street, addressing concerns raised by the community.

Community Engagement: Extensive public engagement has been a cornerstone of this project, with door-to-door canvassing, community events, and visioning workshops gathering valuable feedback.

Next Steps


The visioning process will wrap up this summer, followed by the development of detailed reports and concept alternatives. The goal is to ensure a vibrant, safe, and accessible Main Street that benefits everyone in the community.


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