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As of this year, Florida has implemented new full funding requirements for condo associations following the tragic Miami condo collapse. These regulations, aimed at ensuring the long-term safety and financial stability of communities like Seaplace, will have a significant impact on how we plan for future projects.

In the past, Seaplace has managed large projects—like roofing or painting—by collecting funds through special assessments shortly before the project began. However, the state now requires us to take a more proactive approach. Starting next year, we must allocate a portion of the budget to each future project, ensuring we’re fully funded by the time any work begins.

What does this mean for Seaplace residents? In simple terms, we will be putting money aside earlier, similar to saving up to pay cash for a car rather than taking out a loan. This shift may affect your quarterly fees, but it ensures that Seaplace remains a well-maintained, financially secure community for years to come.

We’re holding two town halls to walk you through this new process and explain the budgeting details, including what projects are on the horizon and how funds will be managed. Your participation is crucial—whether in person or via Zoom. Transparency and open communication are my top priorities as your board member.

Join us on Thursday, September 19 at 2 PM or Tuesday, September 24 at 10 AM. For more information, call me directly at 941.400.8735. Let’s work together to ensure Seaplace’s bright future.

Keywords: Florida condo associations, full funding, Seaplace, real estate regulations, Miami condo collapse, financial stability, project funding, Florida real estate