Broadway Roundabout Project: A Pause for Reassessment

The Broadway Roundabout project at the intersection of Broadway Street and Gulf of Mexico Drive has been an essential topic of discussion for Longboat Key residents for years. However, recent developments have prompted the Town Commission to hit the pause button due to unexpected cost increases following a redesign mandated by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT).

Background and Initial Plans

The concept of improving this busy intersection started around 2011, focusing on enhancing safety for pedestrians and cyclists. By 2014, the idea of a roundabout gained traction, leading to a feasibility study and subsequent Project Development and Environment (PD&E) study by FDOT.

Despite the initial push for a traffic signal, FDOT concluded that the intersection didn't meet the necessary criteria based on vehicular and pedestrian volume, crashes, and other factors. This led to the roundabout being identified as the optimal solution to improve safety and traffic flow.

Rising Costs and Redesign

In 2022, the design phase began, with costs initially estimated at $280,000, shared with Manatee County. However, FDOT's requirement for a normal road crown—a feature that typically increases speed but contradicts the roundabout's purpose—necessitated a significant redesign. This redesign involves extensive road reconstruction, impacting drainage and extending the project along Gulf of Mexico Drive.

The revised design also aims to incorporate elements from the Gulf of Mexico Drive Complete Street Corridor Plan, including a 12-foot-wide trail, 7-foot-wide buffered bike lanes, and raised medians where feasible. These additions have further increased the project’s scope and cost.

Current Status and Next Steps

With the redesign costs currently at $158,000 and the plans at 90% completion, recent feedback from FDOT has introduced additional challenges. As the town staff debates these comments, the project remains on hold while alternatives are explored.


The Broadway Roundabout project, while paused, remains a critical initiative for enhancing Longboat Key’s infrastructure. As developments unfold, staying informed is crucial. For any real estate needs or more information on local projects, feel free to call me directly at 941.400.8735.

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